BP Logix Blog | Process Automation

BPM and The Internet of Things (IoT) Combined

Written by BP Logix | Nov 8, 2018 3:37:54 PM

The Possibilities Of BPM and IoT Data

If knowledge is power, then the seeds of its unfettered potential lie within the humble dataset. And yet, until recently, these seeds have struggled to take root, kept in check by the unforgiving soil of paper-based records, clunky ETL interactions, and stale or corrupted information.

Here at the dawn of the digital transformation era, however, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are fully blossoming. The power of BPM and IoT is unleashed, and it is revolutionizing our understanding of data and its possibilities.

BPM and Internet of Things (IoT) Drive Predictive Analytics

Process Director's AI capabilities analyze data from an array of sources to achieve that elusive element of control that has long been coveted by businesses: predictability. Accurate and consistent predictability requires tremendous amounts of data—the more that is fed into the AI algorithms, the more intelligent your applications become. And that means that the vast amount of data generated by Internet of Things (IoT) devices provide the high-octane fuel powering Process Director's machine learning driven predictive analytics.

The Solution

Process Director’s AI capabilities are seamlessly integrated into the innovative Process Timeline orchestration engine, enhancing and reinforcing its already industry-leading predictive features. But Process Director goes even further, making the same machine learning tools it uses internally available for you to exploit in your custom digital applications. Connect this foundation to Big Data streams using Process Director's no-code BPM and IoT integration, and the possibilities are unlimited.

Of course, Process Director has always provided the integration and connectivity tools you need to transform information into intelligent action. From databases, to social media, to cloud services, Process Director can mine critical data, wherever it may live. And the platform's unique data virtualization technology marries robust governance to easy, no-code development, so that sharing and reusing your critical information is easy.

Knowledge is power.  What could your organization do with IoT data and the power unleashed by Process Director?

Schedule a Free Demonstration

Request a free demonstration of Process Director, and discover for yourself how this unique BPM software platform empowers you to innovate, respond to market demands, and delight your customers. Or, contact us to learn more about how our digital transformation solutions have helped our customers conquer their BPM and IoT challenges.